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Pest Control


Avoid Pest’s In Your Home While You’re On Holidays

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For many Australian families the Christmas and New year’s holidays mean going away to visit friends and families.

As we are packing up and heading off for some important family time what’s stopping the pest’s from moving in?

Here are our Top Pest Control Tips to protect your home while you’re away:



  • Don’t leave dirty dishes in the sink
  • Ensure all food is in tightly sealed containers
  • Don’t leave dirty laundry in rooms or laundry floor
  • Ensure all water taps are firmly turned-off as excess water and dampness attracts a multitude of pests (e.g. ants, flies, termites).
  • Remove items away from external walls (e.g. firewood) building supplies, pipes, hoses. This deters concealed access by ants but is also quite relevant for subterranean termites.



  • Keep all foods sealed in air tight containers.
  • Rinse out and wash all rubbish bins including waste receptacles or before re-lining them for ease of rubbish removal (even the wheelie bins).
  • If you leave before rubbish collection days, do not overload the rubbish bin with perishables (e.g. seafood remnants). Store these few items in a freezer unit and dispose of them when you return.
  • Remove all dog droppings and clean out the kitty litter trays just before you leave.
  • Again, if anyone is house sitting, notify them to only feed pets with enough food for immediate consumption as many fly species will locate the leftovers and deposit eggs/larvae into it.


  • Check everybody (adults, children & pets), including shoes and clothing when leaving risk areas (e.g. Bushland /long grassy areas). Ticks/Fleas are ideally suited to hitching a ride on the host.
  • Pay careful attention and brush yourself off before going into the home.
  • Before leaving, ensure your pet’s Tick and Flea program/treatments is up to date. Keep it marked on a calendar or set it on your phone alarm for easy reminders.
  • If anyone is house sitting, instruct them to keep your pet’s bedding area regularly cleaned and treated (for further information consult with your pest management technician).

Follow these simple tips and you won’t be faced with a pest control problem when returning home these holidays. Enjoy your break!

For reliable, quality Pest Control visit Exceed Pest Control at


Are Spiders Really The Pests?

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Spiders are classified as arachnids. These eight-legged creature have two body parts, and no wings or antennae. Two types of spiders exist: those that thrive in damp areas like basements, crawl spaces and those that like warm, dry, areas. Basically, spiders feed on insects, small spiders and other kinds of prey they can subdue. Spiders produce firm and elastic silk that is used to spin webs. The shapes and sizes of the webs vary from species to species. Some webs are fairly orderly looking while others are haphazard and messy.

How spiders reproduce

Female spiders lay eggs from which spider-lings emerge. A series of molts occur for the spider-lings to become mature adults. During mating, male spiders perform elaborate dances to woo their partners. However, the process becomes deadly when female spiders later feed on the male spiders.

How spiders feed on prey

A study done on spiders shows great deals of spiders have very poor vision. Contrary to this however the jumping spider has exceptionally clear vision. Spiders do not have chewing abilities but use digestive enzymes in their saliva to kill prey before consuming it. When they have killed their prey, they consume it in small amounts as their stomachs are quite narrow.

How spiders get into our homes

Spiders often enter our homes looking for prey. They enter through cracks or open poorly screened doors and windows. Some may get in by accidentally hitchhiking in boxes or outdoor items brought in our homes. They often camp on the walls in our homes. Naturally, homeowners hire pest control services to get rid of spiders oblivious of how useful they are. Removing them from our homes can creates a biodiversity imbalance.

It means a conducive environment for other pests to thrive is created. Spiders are natural predators that feed on mosquitoes, cockroaches, and other small insects. As such, removing spiders from our homes exacerbates the problem of having more of the other pests. Of course, when visited by a giant spider, most folks are not concerned with biodiversity imbalance. They quickly employ the quickest and easiest methods to remove the offending spider.

However it is becoming more common for people to adopt a live and let live motto. If such people happen to see a spider crawling on the floor, wall or dangling in the web, they will not rush to spray an insecticide. Instead, they let it go about its business unhindered. If you choose to live like this that’s great but a word of caution about touching spiders. While spiders do not prey on humans, they may bite if they feel threatened.

Some spiders carry venom that causes different reactions depending the species and the person. Symptoms of a spider bite include feeling a stingy sensation, swelling or a red spot that may require hospitalization. It is best to avoid touching spiders if at all possible, or you can always safely collect them and place them outside in your garden if you don’t want them in your home.

How spiders help indoors

The next time you rush to squash a spider, consider how these creatures can improve your life.

Spiders feed on pests

Spiders feed on ordinary indoor pests such as mosquitoes, roaches, flies, and moths. If left alone, spiders will catch and consume these insects, providing natural pest control to your residence. This will save the need to use insecticides to get rid of such insects.

Spiders kill and feed on other spiders

Naturally, when spiders come into contact with other spiders, a competition unfolds, one that leads to the winner feeding on the loser. This explains why the population of small spiders reduces while that of larger spiders increases. The most common spider known for this kind of behavior is known as the long-legged cellar spider more commonly called the daddy longlegs. It’s known to kill the black widow spider which is dangerous to humans.

Spiders help reduce spread of diseases

Mosquitoes, roaches, flies, fleas are known to transmit diseases to humans. Therefore, if spiders are around to get rid of such insects, you have less chance of contracting these diseases.

When and how to control spiders

Plenty of regions experience spider population booms during summer and in the early Autumn. When spiders hatch, you may notice them both indoors and outdoors. As such, in Spring the spider babies become mature and can be quickly spotted. Male adult spiders, on the other hand, are mobile and frequently scamper into homes looking for mates. If spiders numbers around your home are out of control, you can use a few of the following methods to contain them.

  1. Block any points of entry
  2. Prevent plantings, debris, trash and mulch from touching your house.
  3. Store firewood outdoors to avoid transporting spiders indoors.
  4. Apply some insecticide on areas you deem spiders to breed or build webs.
  5. Eliminate spider’s food source by controlling the other pests in your home that the feed on.

How To Fight The Bite In Your Backyard

By Pest Control No Comments

Temperatures are not the only thing on the rise this summer. Mosquitoes thrive in the warmer and wetter summertime conditions, so populations can be expected to increase this time of year. Nearly all female mosquitoes feed on blood in order to produce eggs, and they are willing to risk your swats in order to get it! With more hungry mosquitoes flying around, it is important to protect yourself and your family from these biting pests. One way to fight the bite this summer is to cover all exposed skin with long sleeves and pants when you plan on spending time outdoors where mosquitoes may be present. If keeping completely covered isn’t practical, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control recommends applying mosquito repellents that contain the active ingredients DEET, pinardin, oil of lemon eucalyptus (OLE), or IR3535.

Another way to fight the bite is by eliminating mosquito breeding sites from around your home. Mosquitoes require standing water to breed because their larvae are aquatic. If water is present for more than five days in a row, it has the potential to breed mosquitoes. Different species may prefer different types of water sources to lay their eggs, but most larvae can develop in stagnant pools that are less than half an inch deep. Many of the items commonly found in your backyard such as empty pots and bird-baths are ideal water-holding containers for mosquitoes. In addition, clogged gutters or even low areas in your yard can turn into water reservoirs that mosquitoes could breed in. So the key is to not let any water stagnate on your property. Inspect your yard frequently for low areas or items such as bottles, barrels, or other vessels that may hold water. Tip over any water containing items regularly to prevent larvae from making it to adulthood, and to reduce the number of mosquito breeding sites around your home.

While you can prevent mosquitoes from breeding on your property, you can’t control all of the conditions in your neighbourhood. Additionally, adult mosquitoes can travel significant distances to find a meal.


Termites On Rampage On The Sunshine Coast – A Public Service Announcement

By Pest Control No Comments

Termites are on the rampage. The wet and humid weather on the Sunshine Coast has created the perfect conditions for accelerating Termite activity. If you haven’t had an annual termite inspection, or your property doesn’t have a current termite barrier, we strongly encourage you to get a pest professional out to your property immediately.

Our office has been receiving a large increase in the number of urgent calls from customers after finding active Termites in their home. We have seen holes in walls where termites have eaten through the Gyprock. Our pest technicians have also identified a large increase in the number of active Termite nests out in surrounding.

If you have been putting off your Termite inspection, or have never had a termite inspection for your home, there are a number of things you should know:

You may have voided your builders warranty.

If you’re the owner of a newly constructed home, your builders warranty may be void if you neglect to maintain annual termite inspections. What does this mean? Technically it means that your builder could get out fixing your home under warranty if there is a problem with your home, even if it were not caused by Termite damage.

Your building and contents insurance won’t cover you for termite damage.

That’s right, your major investment and belongings could be severely damaged by Termites and you won’t be covered by your insurance. Most people wouldn’t dream of owning a home without insurance. Yet there’s a moderate percentage of home owners that do not get annual termite inspection regardless of the fact that there is a much greater risk that a Queensland home will be damaged by Termites than by fire, flood, or natural disaster.

Termites are natures wrecking ball.

Their destructive powers would be awe inspiring if it wasn’t so threatening to people’s homes and investments. Termites (also known as white ants) are not only destructive, but they’re sneaky. They eat homes from the inside out, meaning they eat the internals of a home without leaving visible signs on the outside or living areas. Although Termites predominately eat wood, they have been known to eat through Gyprock. They also manage to find ways into steel framed homes to find wooden structures and furniture to eat.

What you should do if you find termites?

Leave them alone! Seriously, leave them alone. Don’t touch them, don’t try to kill them, just let them be and call a pest professional. You may think “They’re eating my home, why would I not try to kill them?” Good question. The answer comes down to how to effectively eliminate termites. Termites live in complex social structures, and are in constant contact with one another. They love to groom one another, and dispose of their dead, diseased and unwanted colony members by eating them (why not!?). The leading product on the market for Termites is Termidor, which exploits this fact and works through transference. Basically each Termite spreads the Termidor to any other Termite that it comes in contact with. Therefore, the effectiveness of your treatment will increase with the number of active Termites that can be sprayed directly with Termidor.

Does spraying active Termites protect my home?

Unfortunately, no, it’s not quite that simple. To effectively protect your home there needs to be some type of chemical barrier installed around your entire home. There are a number of different ways that this can be achieved, but they all have a couple of common requirements. For the barrier to prevent the ingress of termites, it has to be a complete and continual barrier. Think of it as a moat around a castle. The moat is rendered completely ineffective it there is even one land bridge (or tree bridge).

To find out more about termite barriers visit Exceed pest control at

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